Thousands get injured in car and other accidents every year. When someone gets hurt, neck and back pain are the most common complaints. Chronic issues may also develop as a result of the injury.

Chiropractic care is a great treatment option for injuries and pain because it is a safe treatment that doesn’t involve any drugs or surgery.

Read on to understand the top three reasons you should choose chiropractic care after being injured.

Reduction in Inflammation

Injuries can cause micro-tears in someone’s ligaments and muscles that an X-ray may not be able to catch. These tears cause severe pain in the days following the injury or accident. They could be the result of whiplash injury.

A chiropractor will use manipulation treatment that helps your body release IL-6, an important anti-inflammatory substance the body produces to help with micro tears and injuries.

Restoration of Function and Motion

When your neck and back are injured, the inflammation may delay healing by preventing blood and nutrients from reaching the affected area.

Chiropractic adjustments can mobilize your spine to allow it to begin the healing process.

Less Scarring

Scar tissue develops after an injury as body’s natural response. But it may cause you to feel stiff and uncomfortable.

Chiropractic treatments can break up the scar tissue to help you feel better, in addition to healing faster.

To learn more or to consult an experienced injury chiropractor, call Arizona Injury Medical Associates at (480) 347-0941. With experienced practitioners and friendly staff, who are experts in Phoenix AZ workers compensation and personal injury, you will be in good hands.